
High Standards

Ddrops Company is in strict compliance with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and holds an NSF product certification. We hold patents worldwide and product integrity is held to the highest standard.

How to tell it's authentic

Consumers should carefully select the source they obtain Ddrops® products. If not purchased directly from us, consumers can request to see an authenticity certificate. Ddrops Company provides an authenticity certificate to resellers upon purchase. Unfortunately, we cannot validate a product based on a picture or descriptive information.

Award winning products

  • Mom's Choice
  • Parent tested parent approved
  • bounty MUMS LOVE
  • Green Choice
  • National Parenting Product
  • Cribsie
  • NSF
  • NGPV

Hologram QR Code Sticker

The anti-counterfeiting QR code system uses a combination of uniquely generated codes, and tamper-evident holographic labels to confirm the product is authentic for the consumer. Scanning the QR code through a mobile phone app provides the time of first scan, the product, the lot number, and the expiration date. With our anti-counterfeiting QR code system, consumers can rest assured that they are purchasing genuine Ddrops products.

The anti-counterfeiting QR code system can only be used to verify the products purchased from authorized online stores in China.

  • Step 1Scratch the gold foil in the bottom right corner.
  • Step 2Scan the QR code on WeChat.
  • Step 3Follow the Ddrops Company WeChat Public Account. If you already follow the account, proceed to step 4.
  • Step 4Click on “Authenticate"
  • Step 5Scan the QR code and authenticate your product!