Product & Usage Information

Ddrops® 1000 IU

How to use Ddrops®

For Adults: Take 1 drop daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.
  • Turn the bottle completely upside down. There is no need to shake the bottle, as the drop will fall out by itself. In a few seconds, a drop will fall from the spout at the top of the bottle.
  • May be put on food, added to a drink or licked from a clean surface such as a spoon.
  • Put the cap back on the bottle and store the bottle in an upright position.
  • Once opened, should be used within the number of daily servings as indicated on the label.

Why Ddrops®?

Details on the things that matter most to you
Pure & Natural Ingredients
  • Made with just two naturally sourced ingredients, pure vitamin D3 and fractionated coconut oil.
  • Does not contain preservatives, vitamin E, artificial flavors, colors or artificial additives.
Easy to Use
  • 1000 IU of vitamin D in just one drop.
  • No fuss with large pills, capsules or sugary gummies.
  • Non-GMO Project Verified.
  • Ddrops award-winning products undergo third-party laboratory testing, are certified NSF, Mom’s Choice Gold Award Recipients and Parent Tested Parent Approved. Click here to learn more about our awards.

Vegetarian and Allergy Friendly
  • Free from all 8 of the most common allergens such as corn, egg, fish, gluten, lactose, dairy, casein, peanuts, shellfish, soy, starch, sulphites, wheat or yeast.
  • Vegetarian product for "lacto-ovo" vegetarian use.

About the EuroDdropper®

Patented technology designed to ensure safe and effective dosing
Patented technology Each bottle of Ddrops® features a Euro Ddropper® dispenser that precisely dispenses one drop, or 0.028 mL, at a time. The Euro Ddropper® acts as an orifice reducer to limit the amount of liquid dispensed and to minimize the risk of spilling or leaking.

Ddrops® is dispensed onto food or into a drink. The drop is then taken with the food or drink. It is preferably not dispensed directly into the mouth. This allows the Euro Ddropper® to remain free of contamination through contact with the mouth.
Daily dose in just one drop Ddrops® is NOT administered as 1 mL with a bulb-style dropper as many other liquid vitamins are. A single drop (0.028 mL) dispensed from the attached Euro Ddropper® provides a single daily dose.

Importance of Vitamin D

Benefits and health authority recommendations
About Vitamin D has long been known for supporting the normal development and maintenance of bones, muscle strength, and immune function.

Vitamin D levels in the body are determined by testing the concentration of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in the blood. Appropriate blood concentrations of vitamin D are associated with good health and a better sense of well-being.6-9 Many believe that the greatest benefit of vitamin D is to promote optimal general health, specifically cardiovascular health, immune system function and cell growth.10-12

There are 4 main sources of vitamin D: sunlight, artificial UVB light (tanning beds), some foods (natural and fortified) and supplements.

When skin is exposed to summer sunlight (UVB), vitamin D3 is made naturally within the skin. For people with light skin, about 10 minutes of sunbathing on each side of the body in direct summer noon-day sun can produce up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D into the bloodstream.13 For people with dark skin, up to 6 times longer exposure may be needed for the same effect. From late fall until early spring in the northern USA, outdoor sunshine is generally not strong enough to make vitamin D naturally within our skin. A common rule of thumb is that if your shadow is longer than you are tall, you can’t make vitamin D.
Why supplement? Supplemental vitamin D3 is a nutrient needed by people who do not get enough vitamin D either through exposure to ultraviolet light or in their daily food intake.

During the summer, many people are advised to avoid direct sun exposure because of the risk of skin cancer. Using sunscreen blocks skin from producing vitamin D. Sunscreen with an SPF of 8 has been reported to reduce the production of vitamin D by 95%.14 The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends getting vitamin D through a healthy diet that may include vitamin supplements. Don’t seek the sun, suggests the AAD.i Vitamin D supplements are safe to use and equally effective as the sun in maintaining healthy levels of this vitamin in the body while avoiding the risk of skin cancer from sun exposure.ii
Food Sources
Ddrops® contains only vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) and fractionated coconut oil. Each drop (0.028 mL as dispensed via the Euro Ddropper®) contains 1000 IU of vitamin D.

Ddrops® can be given without a prescription. It is important to understand the use of this product. It may also be important to consult your health care provider (general practitioner, nurse, pharmacist, dietician) if you need more information. If you are already using other vitamin supplements that contain vitamin D, talk to your health care professional before using these Ddrops®.

View our full family of products here.

* Do not use if security seal on bottle is broken. Keep out of reach of children. *

  1. * These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

    i American Academy of Dermatology, Be Sun Smart Read Report
    ii Canadian Dermatology Association position statement on vitamin D Read Report

    1. LuZ,ChenTC,ZhangA,PersonsKS,KohnN,BerkowitzR,MartinelloS,HolickMF.AnevaluationofthevitaminD(3)contentinfish:IsthevitaminDcontentadequatetosatisfythedietaryrequirementforvitaminD?JSteroidBiochemMolBiol.2007;103(3-5):642-4
    2. Holick,MF.VitaminDDeficiency. NewEnglJMedicine2007;357:266-281. 3.VitaminDSupplementationforBreastfedinfants;2004HealthCanadaRecommendation.
    4. ViethR.ThePharmacologyofVitaminD,includingFortificationStrategies.In:FeldmanD,GlorieuxF,PikeJWeds.VitaminD.NewYork:Elsevier2005:995-1015.
    5. DietarySupplementFactSheet:VitaminD.OfficeofDietarySupplements,NationalInstitutesofHealth12/11/2008;
    6. AutierP,GandiniS.VitaminDsupplementationandtotalmortality:ameta-analysisofrandomizedcontrolledtrials.ArchIntern Med2007;167:1730-7.
    7. WichertsIS,vanSchoorNM,BoekeAJetal.VitaminDstatuspredictsphysicalperformanceanditsdeclineinolderpersons.JClinEndocrinolMetab2007.
    8. VisserM,DeegDJ,PutsMT,SeidellJC,LipsP.Lowserumconcentrationsof25-hydroxyvitaminDinolderpersonsand theriskofnursinghomeadmission.AmJClinNutr2006;84:616-22.
    9. JordeR,SneveM,FigenschauY,SvartbergJ,WaterlooK.EffectsofvitaminDsupplementationonsymptomsofdepressioninoverweightandobesesubjects:randomizeddoubleblindtrial.JInternMed2008;264:599-609.
    10. Bischoff-FerrariHA,GiovannucciE,WillettWC,DietrichT,wson-HughesB.Estimationofoptimalserumconcentrationsof25-hydroxyvitaminDformultiplehealthoutcomes.AmJClinNutr2006;84:18-28.
    11. GiovannucciE,LiuY,HollisBW,RimmEB.25-hydroxyvitaminDandriskofmyocardial infarctioninmen:aprospectivestudy.ArchInternMed2008;168:1174-80.
    12. HolickMF.SunlightandvitaminDforbonehealthandpreventionofautoimmunediseases,cancers,andcardiovasculardisease.AmJClinNutr2004;80:1678S-88S.
    13. ViethR.VitaminDsupplementation,25-hydroxyvitamin Dconcentrations,andsafety.AmJClinNutr1999;69:842-56.
    14. MatsuokaLY,IdeL,WortsmanJ,MacLaughlinJA,HolickMF.SunscreenssuppresscutaneousvitaminD3synthesis.JClinEndocrinolMetab1987;64:1165-8. 4232.12
Claims made have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease as per the FDA. Always read and follow the product label. The contents of this website are for informational purposes and are not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

*Based on a 2022 survey among American pediatricians recommending an infant vitamin D brand.